Thursday, May 17, 2012

Volume and Surface Area of Rectangular Cuboid

Volume and Surface Area of Rectangular Cuboid. In a rectangular cuboid (a polyhedron, a right prism with six rectangular plane faces ), all angles are right angles (a right angle is an internal angle which is equal to 90°), and opposite faces of a cuboid are equal ( having the same amount and value). It is also a right rectangular prism (a polyhedron, a prism with two identical, rectangular bases).  

Volume and Surface Area
The volume of a rectangular cuboid is found using the formula:
Volume = Height × Width × Length
Which is usually shortened to:
V = h × w × l
Or more simply:
V = hwl

Surface Area
And the surface area is found using the formula:
A = 2(wl + lh + hw)
    = 2((15x20)+(20x10)+(10x15)
    = 2(300 + 200 + 150)
    = 2(650)
    = 1.300 cm

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Thursday, May 17, 2012

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