Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Increasing Blog Traffic

Blog with a lot of visitors every day, is one of the things that are expected of the Bloggers. Because, with a lot of visitors, traffic and the popularity of blogs it will be improved and much sought after as a place of learning / reading. In addition, more blog visitors will increases money earningOne purpose of making blog is to share our knowledge, and also to earn money. How to increase the number of visitors to your blog?. Many ways we can do to increase the number of visitors to the blog. Here's how powerful that is used to increase visitors to the blog are as follows:

1. Promote your blog to social networking sites
Promoting blogs to social networking sites is one way to increase visitors to the blog. Because, right now. Social networking sites are often used by all people. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. As a way to promote it is to provide a link and the title of your blog post. Alternatively, make your blog connect to social networking sites. There are so many ways to make updates to social networking blog.

2. Qualified and periodical articles
In making an original article did not make the article. As the paste (copy and paste) / stealing people's articles. To have your blog much visited, make articles original, high-quality and attractive price / are frequently searched on a regular basis. If my friend interesting article / frequently searched, your blog will be visited by many people. Lots of guides on how to write a good article.

3. Reveals New Stuff
An article is considered good if it reveals new things. Necessary expertise to discover new things, what's the harm if you try? By revealing new things, your writing will be the reference for the readers. The definition of new things, it could be developed from the existing literature by adding necessary.

4. Blog Appearance
Blog Display like the clothes we wear, even though your articles interesting, but if your blog look messy then visitors will not be comfortable to linger. Keep the look simple and convenient layout to look not too much decoration, avoid the use of striking colors / contrast because it will make eyes tired quickly. Ornament is needed, but do not overdo it.

5. Update article
If you do not update the article as needed visitors, then you will be left blog visitors. It is perfectly reasonable, because visitors will find what he needs in a blog. Each type of content is not the best but there are criteria that need to have a separate visitor information. Fix also a style of language, because it is related to the clarity of the writing or delivery purposes. Review the brief and do not beat around the bush, because it can make the visitors bored listening. Be aware that one of the indices of the boot is how well the search engines and your frequent blog updates through articles.

Those are some ways to increase your blog visitors. Believe it or not, based on my experience that's probably a few things you can do. There are so many ways to increase the number of visitors to the blog, please you choose which one is best for you. Thank you.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

How to Create a Google Custom Search

Google custom search engine very useful widget if you set it up on the blog that we manage, because in addition to more relevant and easy to use, google custom search engine can be set to track the keywords that exist only on your blog / website. How to Create a Google Custom Search ?

To create a Google Custom Search, follow these steps:
Log in using Google Account. If you do not have a Google Account, may have to register first.
Go to the Google Custom Search Engine with the address
Click the Create a Custom Search Engine or Create Custom Search Engine in the upper right corner.
Set the search engine configuration to be created by filling in the columns provided. Start the name (I write here:, description (I wrote: Sharing Information, Science and Collectibles Blog Tutorial), language (I chose English), sites to search (can be a single site or multiple sites at once. Here I just fill a blog url that is, select the edition (free or paid, I choose free), and do not forget to tick the service agreement. And then click next.
Will open a new page :
1.  You can choose the style and look, there are seven styles. Click on that you like 
     (I chose "bubblegum") and will be displayed in the preview below.
2.  Click "next" at the bottom

Copy the code in the box, and put in your blog : Go to your dashboard >>layout >>add a gadget >> html/javascript gadget >>paste the code and save the widget. Your search widget will appear in the sidebar like this :

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Sunday, May 27, 2012

How to Use Twitter With Facebook

This article shows you how to connect your Twitter and Facebook accounts so that your Tweets will automatically post to your Facebook wall.  To connect your Twitter account and your Facebook profile: Log in to the Twitter account you want to associate with your Facebook profile. Go to your Settings menu's Profile tab. Scroll to the bottom and click Sign in to Facebook and connect your accounts. 

When prompted, select the privacy settings for who will see your Tweets posted to your Facebook wall. It is set to public by default. 
Click Log in with Facebook and enter your Facebook login credentials, as shown below. 
Click Allow to accept permissions.

Your Tweets will now post to your profile Facebook wall and your username will be displayed there as well. Retweets and @replies will not be posted.  

Privacy note: To control who sees your Tweets and username, go to your Facebook Application settings and click Edit for the Twitter app to restrict who can see your Tweets on your Facebook wall.
If you successfully connect twitter account to your facebook account, your tweets are right on your facebook timeline automatically, as shown below:

To connect your Twitter account to a Facebook Page:
If you have a Facebook Fan Page, or are the admin of one, you can post Tweets from your Twitter account to your Facebook Page. Follow the steps below to connect to your Facebook profile. In your Twitter profile settings page, Select the page you'd like to connect with (shown below).

When prompted, click to allow permission to post to the selected Facebook Page.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Sunday, May 27, 2012

How to Make an External Link in Blogger

Link is a way of linking the address of the site with other sites to link your website address in the text or images. The text actually contains a link if the destination site address. If the text is plain text only, then it is not a link. Internal link means a link that leads to the url address in the same blog or easy terms could be called a link that leads to another post within the same web site. External links are links that point to other people's web/blogs, so what's the difference with the internal link external link is the purpose of installation of the link.
How to Make an Internal Link in Blogger ?
1.  Highlight the text you'd like to turn into a link. If you do not select any text before using 
     the link button, your link will be created but without anything to click on.
2.  Click the Link button (or hit control+shift+a on your keyboard):

3.  A pop-up window will appear prompting you for a URL you'd like to link to. 
     Type the URL in the text box.
Check "Open link in new window"(if you want the link open in new window), and then press OK.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Sunday, May 27, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

How to Set the Widget on The Blog Header

Many bloggers are having trouble how to put widget in header of blogger blog, That's because the header area on the blog on blogger is locked! so we can not add a widget in this area. So in this area are only allowed to change the name and description. Which is  sometimes we want to add a new component in this area, especially for bloggers who put up advertisements. In order for this header area can be modified and added other components besides the title and description do the steps below:

For the first step you Login to Blogger, after entering the dashboard menu click template >> backup your template(optional)>>edit html>>check expand template widget, find the code below (use ctrl+f) :

<div id='header-wrapper'> 
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Header' type='Header'>

Maybe each template using different codes. The point is that the code look like the code in your blogspot template. Well now see the code. There are variables that you can change, with the aim that this area can be modified, the variables include: 
1.  maxwidgets = '1', change the value of this variable by you, eg the value filled 
     in two, means the maximum component that can be placed in this area 
     is the two component;
2.  Showaddelement = 'no', the default value of this variable is' no ', change it to' yes'. 
     Its mean that you can add an element;
3.  Locked = 'true', the default value of this variable is' true ', change it to' false'. 
     It's mean that the widget is not locked;

<div id='header-wrapper'> 
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='2' showaddelement='yes'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='false' title='Header' type='Header'>

4.  Save Template. and see the results on the window layout !

You can add widget in the header area : add gadget>>html/javascript widget, put the code and save widget.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Saturday, May 26, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

Add Meta Description Tags to Blog

Meta Tags are HTML elements used to provide structured metadata about a web page. Such tags are placed in the head section of an HTML document and Search Engines might use this data to display the search snippet when they display a page from your blog. Most of the Social Sharing Tools like the Facebook Share or the Google Plus buttons will pick up this meta description to create the snippet which gets shared to the Social Networks.

How to add Meta Description Tags
Go to your blog dashboard >> setting>>advanced search >>enable meta tag. In the Text area give a 150 character description which will describe your Blog. This text might be used by Search engines when your Blog’s home page is displayed on Search Engines. Here is the snippet that I have given"Sharing Information, Science and Collectibles Blog Tutorial"

Save your setting.

Now when you make a Post, you can set the Meta Description from the Post Editor’s Post Settings  Sidebar.

You can always edit the Search Description for existing posts as well

If you are having a custom template, make sure that the following line of code is present in your template. To do that go to Template and Proceed to Edit HTML . Find

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

If it's not present, add it just before </head>
That's It you have done it.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Friday, May 25, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

How To Make Facebook and Twitter Share Button in Blogger

Making share on facebook, twitter, digg button, or maybe coupled with Google + above each post / article blog by adding code or scripts on your template. Share button in your blog can actually get the code directly on the site that provide this code. The site, such as examples of sites that provide the code for in pairs on your blog with a full share feature. However, the less attractive is placing less strategic.

1. Login to your blogger account.
2. Click the Design tab -> Edit HTML.
3. Download the template used in case of errors can be returned to normal.
4. Press Ctrl + F to facilitate the search.
5. Search <div class='post-body entry-content'> or class = 'post-body entry-content' 
     and usually there are 2 code, use the first code
6. If you have found, copy the code below and paste it right above 
    <div class='post-body entry-content'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><div style='border-top:1px solid #ccc;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc; padding:8px 0px;margin:5px 0px 5px 0px;width:100%;float:left;height:20px;'><div style='float:left;padding-left:0px;font:normal 12px Georgia;'>Share on :</div><div style='float:left;padding-left:10px;'><a name='fb_share' type='button_count'/><script src='' type='text/javascript'></script></div><div style='float:left;padding-left:10px;'><a class='DiggThisButton DiggCompact'/><script type='text/javascript'>(function() {var s = document.createElement(&#39;SCRIPT&#39;), s1 = document.getElementsByTagName(&#39;SCRIPT&#39;)[0];s.type = &#39;text/javascript&#39;;s.async = true;s.src = &#39;;;s1.parentNode.insertBefore(s, s1);})();</script></div><div style='float:left;padding-left:10px;'><a class='twitter-share-button' data-count='horizontal' data-via='User Name' href=''>Tweet</a><script src='' type='text/javascript'/></div><div style='float:left;padding-left:10px;'><!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render --><g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone><!-- Place this render call where appropriate --><script type="text/javascript">  (function() {    var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;    po.src = '';    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);  })();</script></div></div></b:if>
Look at the picture below :
7. Click Save Template
That How To Make Share Facebook, Twitter, Google and Digg + On Blogspot, please leave your comment,  good luck! 

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Monday, May 21, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How to Start a Blog

A blog (a portmanteau of the term web log) is a personal journal published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first. Blogs are usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often are themed on a single subject. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

How to Start a Blog in Blogger ?
A. Sign Up to Create a Blog at
1) Your e-mail, 2) Re-type your e-mail, 3) Your Password, 4) Re-type your password, 5) Your Profile name, 6) Your sex, 7) Your Birthdate, 8) Word verification, 9) Check I agree Term and Condition, 10) Next

B. Sign In with Your Google Account
1) Your e-mail, 2) Your password, 3) Sign in

C. Name Your New Blog
1) Your Blog Name, 2) Your Blog Addres, 3) Your Blog Theme, 4) Create Blog

D. Write Your First Post
1) Post Title, 2) Publish Post, 3) Save a draft, 4) Preview Post, 5) Close Post, 6) Label of Your Post, 7) Post Entry.

That's all there is to it! You're now ready to write your first blog post in your new blog and join the blogosphere.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How To Add a Twitter Widget To Your Blog

How To Add a Twitter Widget To Your Blog. The first step you must create a Twitter Account. Access widgets from the Resources link in the footer of all Twitter web pages. Simply choose the one that matches where you would like to include it. To add a Twitter widget to your social network, website, or blog:

How To Add a Twitter Widget To Your Blog, follow step by step of this tutorial :
Log into Twitter.  Click Resources at the bottom of the details pane on the right hand side of your screen.
1.  Select Widgets
2.  Select My Website
     Select the widget that shows the Tweets you'd most like to display on your website:
Select Profile Widget and set the widget appearance :
1. Username : Enter your username
2. Preferences : Set the scroll bar, tweets load, and number of tweets.
3. Apperarance : Set the Widget color, shell color, shell text, tweet background, tweet 
    text, and link color.
4. Dimension : Set the dimension of widget that appropriate with your sidebar ( if it place
    in sidebar)
5. Click finis and grab the code.

If you are using Blogger just click "add to blogger" and follow the instruction to add widget in blogger. Done, your Twitter widget now appear in your blog.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Guide to add Facebook Fan page Like box to Blog

There are many ways to increase your fan on your blog and we have shared some of them earlier but one of the most effective way is by adding Facebook fan widget on your blog. This will help your readers to quickly like your fan page on Facebook without leaving your blog.

Very first step is create a Facebook Account create a Facebook Fan Page and then to go to Facebook social plugins page and select Facebook like box for pages. Here is a direct link to that page. Apart from Like box, I would suggest also have a look into other Facebook social plugins which might be useful to make your Website more social.

Once you added the URL of your Fan Page the preview tab will automatically start showing the widget. Following this step by step to set your Fan Page :
1. Enter your Fan Page URL
2. Set the width of your widget.
3. Set the height of your widget
4. Set the color scheme, if you select the light scheme the widget will appear like that 
    (look at the picture), and if you select the dark one the widget will appear dark.
5. Show faces, if you check the show faces button, the faces of your fan will display in the widget.
6. Border color, set the border color of your widget
7. Show stream, is to show your stream
8. Show header, is to show header of your widget.
9. The last step is "get your code" copy the code and then paste in your blog widget.
    (please select "IFRAME")
For Blogger : Go to page element >> add gadget >> html/javascrip widget :
Paste the code and save the widget. Done.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

How to create a blog updates to twitter and facebook

How to create a blog updates to twitter and facebook  is now believed to apply in this blog, and the results are seen always update this blog on Twitter and Facebook. Though I myself do not necessarily make a post once a month. Immediately, I explain how I make our blog look updated every day without making a postingpun. Here are the steps to juggle your blog is always updated look at Twitter and Facebook without making a post:
1.  Go to

On the login page twitterfeed enter your email address and password. If you do not already have  an account twitterfeed, please do the registration by clicking on [Do not have an account yet?].

     After entering the Twitterfeed dashboard, click the [Create New Feed]
On page [Step 1: Name & Add Feed Source URL] we will take blog comments feed. Enter the address of your blog feed comment on the column [Blog URL or RSS Feed URL] and press the [test rss feed]. If it works then there is a notice √ Feed parsed OK. To find out how RSS Feed URL address  use the mouse right-click on the "home" to your blog, then select "View page source" looking for your blog RSS code.  

Then click the [Advanced Settings] to set a feed:
 a. Check for new posts: Every 30 mins.
 b. Post up to: 5.
 c. Post Content Include: description only (recommendation from me, to avoid duplicate titles).

Click continue step 2 :
Then on page [Available Services] is where we can link to the comment feed Twitter and Facebook. So that whenever there are new comments on your blog, it will automatically be distributed to Your  Twitter and Facebook accounts. 

To start linking to your Twitter account and Facebook, please click the link Twitter and Facebook Facebook.Untuk click [Connect with Facebook] and then enter the e-mail address and password of your Facebook. Besides, other than to distribute to your Facebook profile, it can also pass it on to the Facebook Fan Page or Facebook Group. Look at the picture above. After that click All Done Button.
New comments on your blog, it will automatically fill the comment will be shared to Twitter and Facebook by including a short link to the post that has been commented upon it. Now even if you do not do an update a month or a year long in your blog someone commented it is as if your blog looks is always updated. Of course this is very beneficial for those who have a lot of followers and liqueur, because able to attract people to come to your blog.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Monday, May 14, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to Create Ads Box in Page Footer

How to Create Ads Box in Page Footer. To optimize the google adsense ads from your sponsor or by placing ads in the Footer box that user-freindly. In orger that the ads posted are not too many ads also can be seen in an optimal set, you can put ads in the Footer box or use the Screen PopUp Ads. At this time the trick How to Create Ads in Footer box I gave uses Javascript. For those interested please be listened tutorial.
For fixing the code in your blog please put the code before </ body>
<!-- Footer adds begin--> <script src='' type='text/javascript'> </script><br > <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function() { $('img#closed').click(function(){ $('#btm_banner').hide(90); }); }); </script> <style type='text/css'> div#btm_banner { bottom: 0; position: fixed; width: 100%; opacity: 0.9; left: 0; } div#btm_banner img{ border:0; cursor:pointer; } </style> <div style='height: 0px;'></div> <div align='center' id='btm_banner' style='height: 80px; z-index: 9999;'> <div style='text-align: right; width: 980px; height: 3px;'> <img id='closed' src=''/></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> <p> <p><center> Your adds code </center></p> </p> </div> <!-- End footer adds -->
Note :
1.  height: 80px: You can change according to the height of advertising.
2.  width: 980px. : You can change the width of the adds.
3.  Your adds code : Replace with adds script code.
Look at the picture bellow to see the composition of the code :

Not all PPC advertising services allow the posting like this, so before you install make sure this trick does not violate the TOS (Terms of Service) PPC service which you follow.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Facebook Comments for Blogger

How to put Facebook comment box for Blogger blog. The goal is the blog will get more visitor and comments. Because most people prefer to comment on the blog on Facebook than we are, then we pinch the ball entering the Facebookers comments to our blog automatically. How to put Facebook comment box for Blogger blog. ? Just following this tutorial bellow.

1. Disable Default Comments
   The first thing you should do it to disable blogger default comments. because you
   don’t want to have 2 comments forms. go to your blogger account, navigate to
   settings >>post and comment>>hide comment and then save setting,
   look at the picture bellow :
2.  Generate your Facebook App ID.
     Go to Facebook Developers
Next step
Coppy your apps ID and save to notepad.
3.  Add Codes to Your Template
     You must add the following codes to your blogger template to ensure that the 
     comments box  will  work for your blog in the right way. and in this step we’ll 
     add the following codes,
     a.  xmlns attribute
     b.  Open Graph protocol tags
     c.  SDK script

Adding the xmlns attribute :

Please go to your blogger account again, and navigate to, layout >> edit html >> and check Expand Widget Templates then find the following code,(use ctrl+f) :
You’ll find it on the top of your code. second or third line, and after it add the following code,
In my template the code is located in third line, but in other template ussualy located after <html  code , like this <html xmlns:fb=''  expr:dir='data:blog..............2005/gml/expr'>

Adding  Open Graph protocol tags  :
Search for code <b:skin>, and after it add the following code,
 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><meta   expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' property='og:title'/><meta   expr:content='data:blog.url' property='og:url'/><b:else/><meta   expr:content='data:blog.title' property='og:title'/><meta   expr:content='data:blog.homepageUrl' property='og:url'/></b:if><meta   content='Your Blog Name' property='og:site_name'/><meta   content=''   property='og:image'/><meta content='Your Apps ID'   property='fb:app_id'/><meta content='Your Fb Admin Code'   property='fb:admins'/><meta content='article'   property='og:type'/>
Place this code above <b:skin>, and the code will look like this (look at the picture bellow) :
Please don’t forget to change Your Blog Name, Your Apps ID ( you got it in the previous step ), and Your Fb Admin ID. How to get your fb admin ID ? If you use Google Chrome, go to your Fb, push mouse right button, select view page source and you will get your fb ID, see the picture bellow :
Adding the SDK script Code :
Search for code <body and after it add the following code,
<div id="fb-root"></div> <script>     window.fbAsyncInit = function() {     FB.init({       appId  : 'YOUR   APP ID',       status : true, // check login status         cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the   session       xfbml  : true  // parse XFBML     });   };      (function() {     var e = document.createElement('script');       e.src = document.location.protocol +   '//';     e.async = true;       document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e);     }()); </script> 
 Look at the picture bellow :
Adding facebook comment box code
1.  Find this code: <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> or (if not) find 
     this code: <p class ='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3 '>
2.  Add the following code under the code
    <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><div class='fb-comments' data-num-posts='10' data-width='450' expr:data-href='data:post.url'/></b:if>

"10 are  the number of posts will be displayed, 450 is the width of the comment coloumn will be displayed . If this code didn't work, try this code bellow :

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <div id='fb-root'/>
<script src=';xfbml=1'/>
<fb:comments expr:href='data:post.url' num_posts='10' width='450'/>
The red number is your apps ID, put the code above this code :
<b:includable id='status-message'>
Look at the picture bellow :
Save your templates and see the result.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Thursday, May 10, 2012