Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Send an E Mail

How to Send Email Yahoo - Have you read about on the yahoo list of previous posts on this blog? In the post it was discussed about how to create an email account at yahoo. Well if you already have an email in yahoo, now the question is how do I send this email yahoo? That is the subject of our discussion in this article.

Login to or click on and click on the mail menu. Enter your  username and password login. 

As stated in the figure below:Click New in the upper left corner to write an email.

On the new page, click in the blank box beside
1.  To: and type the email address of the person you're writing to.
2.  Add addresses in the Cc: field if you want to send a copy of your email to anyone else.
     Others receiving this email will be able to see anyone listed in the Cc: line.
3.  Inside Subject:, give your email a title—then write whatever you want to in the message
     window. That's the big box below.
3.  Sending is the easy part. Once you're done writing (and attaching photos or files if you
     want... see below), just click Send.

Attach Photos and Files:
Click Attach at the top of the page. In the window that opens, click Browse to find and select the file you want. When you've got it, click Open. Repeat these steps to attach more files, and when you're finished, click Attach Files.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Thursday, May 17, 2012

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