Friday, May 25, 2012

Add Meta Description Tags to Blog

Meta Tags are HTML elements used to provide structured metadata about a web page. Such tags are placed in the head section of an HTML document and Search Engines might use this data to display the search snippet when they display a page from your blog. Most of the Social Sharing Tools like the Facebook Share or the Google Plus buttons will pick up this meta description to create the snippet which gets shared to the Social Networks.

How to add Meta Description Tags
Go to your blog dashboard >> setting>>advanced search >>enable meta tag. In the Text area give a 150 character description which will describe your Blog. This text might be used by Search engines when your Blog’s home page is displayed on Search Engines. Here is the snippet that I have given"Sharing Information, Science and Collectibles Blog Tutorial"

Save your setting.

Now when you make a Post, you can set the Meta Description from the Post Editor’s Post Settings  Sidebar.

You can always edit the Search Description for existing posts as well

If you are having a custom template, make sure that the following line of code is present in your template. To do that go to Template and Proceed to Edit HTML . Find

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

If it's not present, add it just before </head>
That's It you have done it.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Friday, May 25, 2012