Monday, July 2, 2012

Making a Table

The table is a list that contains an overview of a number of data information is usually in the form of words or numbers arranged in a line delimiter. On some sites, tables are widely used for specific purposes. In making the table there are several tags, among others: <table> ... </ table>, <tr> </ tr>, <td> </ td>. Before create a table  first you should  understand what is the use of these tags. I'll try to share a little knowledge about how to create tables. Perhaps in this tutorial is still a lot of mistakes, I apologize because ha was caused by my ignorance.

Look at the table below :
  • border : to give the outline of the table box;
  • cellspadding : to give distance between the table border to the content;
  • cellspacing : to give distance between the columns with each other.
  • width : to give the width of a table;
  • bgcolor : to give color of the table backround.
  • valign : to set the vertical align of the text
Table 1 :
    TagAtribut Deskripsi
    <table> ...........</table>border border="0" , "collapse" , solid #4F81BD
    cellpadding cellpadding="2"
    cellspacing cellspacing="0"
    width "100", "100", "400"
    bgcolor bgcolor="# CCFFFF"
    valign valign="top"
    Table  2 :
    <tr><!--</tr>To make a table row' <tr>beginning of the row and</tr> is the end of row
    <td><!--</td>To make table coloumn, <td>beginning of the coloumn and</td>is the end of coloumn
    Here's the code of the table 1 :
    <table bgcolor="#CCFFFF" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: solid #4F81BD 2px;"><tbody> <tr><td style="border: solid #4F81BD 2px; width: 60px;" valign="top">Tag</td><td style="border: solid #4F81BD 2px; width: 100px;" valign="top">Atribut</td> <td style="border: solid #4F81BD 2px; width: 400px;" valign="top">Deskripsi</td> </tr> <tr><td rowspan="6" style="border: solid #4F81BD 2px; width: 60px;" valign="top">&lt;table&gt; ...........&lt;/table&gt;</td><td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: solid #4F81BD 2px;" valign="top">border</td>   <td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: none;" valign="top">border="2" , "collapse" ,<span style="background-color: transparent;">&nbsp;</span><span style="background-color: transparent;">solid #4F81BD</span></td></tr> <tr> <td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: solid #4F81BD 2px;" valign="top">cellpadding</td>   <td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: none;" valign="top">cellpadding="2"</td></tr> <tr><td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: solid #4F81BD 2px;" valign="top">cellspacing</td>   <td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: none;" valign="top">cellspacing="3"</td></tr> <tr><td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: solid #4F81BD 2px;" valign="top">width</td>   <td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: none;" valign="top">"100", "100", "400"</td></tr> <tr><td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: solid #4F81BD 2px;" valign="top">bgcolor</td>   <td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: none;" valign="top">bgcolor="#D8D8D8"</td></tr> <tr><td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: solid #4F81BD 2px;" valign="top">valign</td>   <td style="border-bottom: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-left: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-right: solid #4F81BD 2px; border-top: none;" valign="top">valign="top"</td></tr> </tbody></table>
    There are several attributes that are not shown in the table above, please your own modifications to your table to be perfect. Good luck!

    Posted by: Denmas Tugino
    Godheg Updated at: Monday, July 02, 2012

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