Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to make e-mail in gmail

In this post how to make a gmail e-mail, or email service provided by the search engine company Google. Think we have an e-mail in gmail is obligatory, because the e-mail service provided by Google is arguably the best email service this century. You could say the best because although free gmail has the advantage that deserves to be proud of compared to other e-mail services. One of them is a large storage capacity and the ever-growing. See the tutorial how ta make e-mail in gmail below :

1. The first step, prepare an internet connection, not the browser, I recommend to use
    the Chrome browser, for better and faster in my opinion.
2. Enter url address or or

3. Then select  [create an account] button in the upper right corner
4.  Then input your identity on the application form, for charging steps are very easy,
     not much different from how to fill in the e-mail services at Look at the form
     Name : fill with your name
     Username : choose your ussername that avaliable
     Create password : fill with your password
     Confirm your password : re-type your password 
     Birthday : fill with your month, date, and year
     Gender : fill with your gender
     Mobile phone : fill with your mobile phone
     Other e-mail address : leave it blank if you don't have another e-mail
     Type the two pieces of text 
     Location : fill with your country
     Ceck the option
     Click next step
After you click the Next Step button page will appear as shown below. to try to show your email, directly You can click on the button [show me the account].

After you have an e-mail, in the future you can  change your gmail theme, create Facebook account and Fecebook Fan Page and many more.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Sunday, May 13, 2012

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