Friday, June 1, 2012

How to Create Auto Install Widget

As we know in general is usually the bloggers who often provide tips and tricks how to create a blog widget code just to give it. For the bloggers who have advanced skill will not have problems with HTML code. Auto Install button aims to simplify installation Widget widget code (add widget) on blogger template, so we do not need to bother to copy and paste the code into our template. Auto Install this widget button does not necessarily have to be put in your sidebar, we can put this button anywhere we want, including into the post.
If you want to create a blog tutorial article I suggest to add this button in order to facilitate installing the widget in Blogger.
<form action="" method="post" target="_blank">
<input name="widget.title" value="
Widget Title" type="hidden"><textarea cols="5" name="widget.content" rows="3" style="display: none;">Script/Widget Code</textarea><input class="button" name="go" value="Install widget" type="submit">
Please change the colored text :
1.  Red colored text widget is the title that will appear in the sidebar of the blog. 
2.  Blue colored text is the script / widget code. 
3.  Green  colored tet is the words that will appear on the button that will be 
     ready for the click.

Posted by: Denmas Tugino
Godheg Updated at: Friday, June 01, 2012

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